Birthday Dinner 21th

Salma Hanifah

14 November 2022

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“Be happy! Today is the day you were brought into this world to be a blessing and inspiration to the people around you! You are a wonderful person! May you be given more birthdays to fulfill all of your dreams!”

Halo gais, jangan lupa dateng yaa…..

Birthday Dinner

dresscode : hitam

menu makanan

health protocols

Cuci Tangan

Gunakan Masker

Jaga Jarak

Tidak Berjabat Tangan

Hindari Kerumunan

Gunakan Handsanitizer

Aku tunggu kehadiran teman-teman, ya. Sampai jumpa!

Salam manis,


14 November 2022

Berikan Ucapan Spesial Anda Disini :

221109K8VA8E0S salma
Halloo Guys
Tamu Undangan
Dateng ya ke birthday diner aku